Dead simple cross-platform GitHub Actions for Haskell

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I have been looking for the perfect Continuous Integration (CI) for my Haskell projects for a while and found Github Actions to be absolute gold for that. I have been going back and forth between different CI platforms (Travis, AppVeyor, CircleCI), until recently I finally figured out the settings that include everything I need.

So, in this short blog post, I would like to present the easiest way to set up the GitHub Actions CI for Haskell projects I come up with.


In one of my previous blog posts I’ve described Dead simple Travis CI settings for Haskell projects. There I’ve also explained why it’s important to support both build tools and multiple GHC versions on CI. However, it’s tricky to define Travis CI config with a matrix for multiple GHC versions, multiple operating systems and multiple build tools at the same time. This is where GitHub Actions come to play!

The resulting GitHub Actions configuration has the following features:

The Config

To not beat around the bush and just get to the point, below is the full config:

name: CI

    types: [synchronize, opened, reopened]
    branches: [main]
    # additionally run once per week (At 00:00 on Sunday) to maintain cache
    - cron: '0 0 * * 0'

    name: ${{ matrix.os }} / ghc ${{ matrix.ghc }}
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
        os: [ubuntu-latest, macOS-latest, windows-latest]
        cabal: [""]
          - "8.10.7"
          - "9.0.2"
          - "9.2.1"
          - os: macOS-latest
            ghc: 9.0.2
          - os: macOS-latest
            ghc: 8.10.7

          - os: windows-latest
            ghc: 9.0.2
          - os: windows-latest
            ghc: 8.10.7

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - uses: haskell/actions/setup@v1.2
      id: setup-haskell-cabal
      name: Setup Haskell
        ghc-version: ${{ matrix.ghc }}
        cabal-version: ${{ matrix.cabal }}

    - name: Configure
      run: |
        cabal configure --enable-tests --enable-benchmarks --enable-documentation --test-show-details=direct --write-ghc-environment-files=always

    - name: Freeze
      run: |
        cabal freeze

    - uses: actions/cache@v2
      name: Cache ~/.cabal/store
        path: ${{ steps.setup-haskell-cabal.outputs.cabal-store }}
        key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.ghc }}-${{ hashFiles('cabal.project.freeze') }}

    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
        cabal build all --only-dependencies

    - name: Build
      run: |
        cabal build all

    - name: Test
      run: |
        cabal test all

    - name: Documentation
      run: |
        cabal haddock

    name: stack / ghc ${{ matrix.ghc }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        stack: ["2.7.3"]
        ghc: ["8.10.7"]

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - uses: haskell/actions/setup@v1.2
      name: Setup Haskell Stack
        ghc-version: ${{ matrix.ghc }}
        stack-version: ${{ matrix.stack }}

    - uses: actions/cache@v2
      name: Cache ~/.stack
        path: ~/.stack
        key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.ghc }}-stack

    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
        stack build --system-ghc --test --bench --no-run-tests --no-run-benchmarks --only-dependencies

    - name: Build
      run: |
        stack build --system-ghc --test --bench --no-run-tests --no-run-benchmarks

    - name: Test
      run: |
        stack test --system-ghc

Enabling such CI for your projects is completely effortless. All you need to do is create a file named .github/workflows/ci.yml with the above content and push it to your repository. That’s all! GitHub takes care of everything else for you.

Once all build errors are fixed, you can enjoy your well-deserved green CI 💚

All CI checks pass


After you enable GitHub Actions CI for your project, you can also add a cute badge to your Copy the following line and replace userName and repoName with your own settings:

[![GitHub CI](](

Configuration explanation

If you want to understand why the configuration looks like it looks, below is a short explanation:

  1. The configuration is powered by two GitHub Actions: haskell/actions/setup and actions/cache). The haskell/actions/setup action is responsible for installing GHC, cabal and stack on different operating systems and providing some convenient utilities. The actions/cache action is responsible for caching your built artifacts as you might guess.
  2. It builds your project using cabal with different GHC versions on Ubuntu. The GitHub Actions virtual environment comes with GHC, Cabal and Stack already pre-installed in there, so the CI is faster on Linux than on Windows or macOS at the moment.
  3. Cache for cabal builds is based on the cabal freeze files. The cache GitHub Action doesn’t upload newer cache if the cache with such key already exists. This can be problematic when you starting developing a package and adding new dependencies. To improve the situation, the cache key is based on all project dependencies. Using this approach means that once you change dependencies, your project and all dependencies will be rebuilt from scratch. But when they are built, the whole cache will be reused next time.
  4. Your project builds on macOS and Windows only using the latest (or working) GHC version. Building with multiple GHC versions on all three platforms usually doesn’t give you much. So instead of having a N x M matrix, it’s enough to have a N + M - 1 matrix. Though, you can easily change this behaviour by removing relevant exclude sections.
  5. The CI also configures the testing environment properly and runs your tests automatically with each build.
  6. Dependencies are built in a separate step, so you can quickly see from the overview, which building step has failed — dependencies or your project.
  7. The config is extensible and easily customizable. You can change step names and their commands, add new steps. You can even add releases in an easy way with such a system!


One way you can improve this CI setup is by adding an HLint check to each CI run. This can be done pretty easily. For example, here is a separate job that downloads HLint and runs it:

    name: hlint
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Run HLint
         HLINT_VERSION: "3.2.7"
      run: |
        curl -L${HLINT_VERSION}/hlint-${HLINT_VERSION}-x86_64-linux.tar.gz --output hlint.tar.gz
        tar -xvf hlint.tar.gz
        ./hlint-${HLINT_VERSION}/hlint src/ test/


The presented CI configuration specifies versions of used GitHub Actions. They can become outdated with time, and this blog post is not updated automatically to the latest versions of each mentioned GitHub Action.

Fortunately, you can use Dependabot to move the burden of updating actions versions from your shoulders to tools.

To receive pull requests with version updates for used actions, add the .github/dependabot.yml file with the following content (assuming, that you already have labels CI and dependencies in your repository, but you can choose your own existing labels):

version: 2
  - package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
    directory: "/"
      interval: "daily"
      prefix: "GA"
      include: "scope"
      - "CI"
      - "dependencies"

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