When I was teaching advanced Haskell course to students, I’ve created lab assignments on several compelling topics. One of the homework tasks on the comonad section is particularly interesting, and today I would like to share the problem itself with the solution and explanation. Turns out, you actually can use comonads to solve production problems from the real world.
Problem statement
The problem in its essence is simple — we want to implement the Builder programming pattern. In simple words, the builder is used when you want to separate value creation from configuring the creation process. In our case, we can represent config as a separate data type, construct config first and only then create a value using the configuration.
NOTE: It is a known fact that comonads can help with representing some OOP patterns. Check out this blog post: OOP Comonads.
To make our problem entertaining, we want some of the configuration options to depend on the values of other options.
For example, let’s say you have a huge Settings
data type that controls the properties of project scaffolding tool. This data type contains a lot of fields but there are dependencies between some of them. For example, you can specify flags whether you want GitHub or Travis integration enabled. However, if you disable GitHub integration, you shouldn’t be able to specify Travis integration because it doesn’t make sense to have it locally.
Of course, you can let users specify whatever they want and figure out fields dependencies later during value creation in one single place. However, there are reasons why this might not be desired:
- If you have a lot of fields and a lot of dependencies, the code for tracking all these dependencies becomes messy really quickly.
- It is a real pain to test such code.
- It is difficult to refactor such code when you introduce a new field or dependency.
So the question: can we do it better? The answer is yes and turns out that comonads provide a convenient and composable interface for this problem.
NOTE: The proposed solution has restrictions. It works only in a special case when dependencies have depth 1. In other words, your configuration contains two sets of options — A and B — and only options from set B depend on options from set A. Sure, it is possible to implement general solution with arbitrary non-cyclic dependencies (and maybe not with comonads) where you can disable and enable options, and all dependencies are resolved automatically. But I want to demonstrate how comonads can be used here and, who knows, maybe later this solution can be generalised!
Short intro to comonads
Before showing how comonads can be applied to solve the problem, I want to talk about the comonad concept itself. This is not a tutorial on comonads but I will try to give better intuition behind this typeclass.
What is Comonad?
is implemented as the following typeclass available in the comonad package:
class Functor w => Comonad w where
extract :: w a -> a
duplicate :: w a -> w (w a)
extend :: (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b
If you’re familiar with monads in Haskell, you may notice some similarities:
class Applicative m => Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
join :: m (m a) -> m a
bind :: (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
Basically the same thing, just with some arrows reversed. If a
is a type of value, you can think of w
and m
as types of a context for that value. But there are some differences:
knows how to attach contextm
to a value.extract
always knows how to get value from the contextw
. In particular, this means that instances of theComonad
typeclass could be only for non-empty structures.
knows how to collapse contexts. This means, for example, that in most cases it doesn’t make sense to design interfaces around types likeMaybe (Maybe a)
, you can always get rid of nested contexts.duplicate
can add one more layer of context if a value already has a context.
can change the resulting contextm
depending on a value inside the existing context. However, the function passed tobind
is not allowed to analyze the current context, it can make decisions based on the value.extend
takes a function that is allowed to analyze contextw
to produce a value of typeb
. However, the context itself remains unchanged.
doesn’t provide a generic way to get rid of a monadic context. Once you have entered a monad — you always will be in the monad. You need to know specifics of your monad if you want to eliminate context from the value. However, monads provide a way to collapse multiple contexts into a single one using the join
With Comonad
you always can extract the value from the comonadic context. But you need to know the internal structure of your data type to attach context in the first place. However, if you already have a context, you can add as many layers as you want using the duplicate
Before diving into more complicated stuff, let’s first look at the straightforward Comonad
instance for a very innocent data type:
newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
class Comonad Identity where
extract :: Identity a -> a
= runIdentity
duplicate :: Identity a -> Identity (Identity a)
= Identity
extend :: (Identity a -> b) -> Identity a -> Identity b
= Identity . f extend f
And who said that comonads are scary? :)
Arrow comonad
In order to implement the Builder pattern, we are going to use the Comonad
instance for the function arrow (->)
. The comonad
package has the Traced newtype
wrapper around the function (->)
. The Comonad
instance for this newtype
gives us the desired behaviour.
newtype Traced m a = Traced { runTraced :: m -> a }
instance Monoid m => Comonad (Traced m)
However, dealing with the newtype
wrapping and unwrapping makes our code noisy and truly harder to understand, so let’s use the Comonad
instance for the arrow (->)
instance Monoid m => Comonad ((->) m) where
extract :: (m -> a) -> a
= f mempty
extract f
duplicate :: (m -> a) -> (m -> m -> a)
= \m1 m2 -> f (m1 <> m2) duplicate f
NOTE: there is no explicit implementation of the
function since it has a default implementation viaduplicate
.extend :: (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b = fmap f . duplicate extend f
We are going to this definition later.
I mentioned earlier that only non-empty structures can have a Comonad
instance. In general case you can’t extract the value of type a
using the function of type m -> a
without having m
. However, if you know that the m
is a Monoid
then you always have mempty
to pass to a function. duplicate
is a no-brainer as well. If you have a function that takes a single value of type m
and you need to make it work with two values of that type and you also know that m
is a Monoid
then it is easy — just squash those two values with mappend
and pass to your function.
We are going to use the (->)
instance above as a fundamental piece of our interface in the following section.
Builder pattern using Comonad
Finally, let’s solve the original problem! In Builder pattern we have several pieces:
- A data type for the configuration.
- A data type for the value created from the configuration.
- A function that creates value from the configuration.
- A way to compose builders.
In our approach the Builder
itself is a function that takes configuration and produces a value:
type Builder = Config -> Value
And Builder
is a comonad! However, it requires from Config
to have the Monoid
instance in order to make the whole thing work.
Monoidal settings
Let’s use a simpler version of the Settings
data type in our example as the configuration. This data type has the following fields:
- Flag that tells whether the project has a library or not (disabled by default).
- Flag to enable GitHub integration (disabled by default).
- Flag to enable Travis integration (disabled by default).
In Haskell this can be represented as follows:
data Settings = Settings
settingsHasLibrary :: !Any
{ settingsGitHub :: !Any
, settingsTravis :: !Any
,deriving (Show) }
Here I’m using Any
from the Data.Semigroup
module. Since we need to have Monoid
instance for Settings
, let’s implement it:
instance Semigroup Settings where
Settings a1 b1 c1 <> Settings a2 b2 c2 =
Settings (a1 <> a2) (b1 <> b2) (c1 <> c2)
instance Monoid Settings where
mempty = Settings mempty mempty mempty
Trivial project builder
We are going to create Project
from Settings
and here is how our Project
data type looks like:
data Project = Project
projectName :: !Text
{ projectHasLibrary :: !Bool
, projectGitHub :: !Bool
, projectTravis :: !Bool
, }
Finally, our Builder has the following type:
type ProjectBuilder = Settings -> Project
Trivial project builder just creates Project
from Settings
as it is:
buildProject :: Text -> ProjectBuilder
Settings{..} = Project
buildProject projectName = getAny settingsHasLibrary
{ projectHasLibrary = getAny settingsGitHub
, projectGitHub = getAny settingsTravis
, projectTravis ..
, }
And you already can play with comonads:
> extract $ buildProject "empty"
= "empty"
{ projectName = False
, projectHasLibrary = False
, projectGitHub = False
, projectTravis }
Simple project builder
Now, what we would like to have, is a way to compose different builders. The idea here is to build the smallest and simplest project builders manually and create more complicated ones by composing the smaller ones. For this we are going to use the following operator from the comonad
(=>>) :: Comonad w => w a -> (w a -> b) -> w b
=>>) = flip extend (
When specialized to ProjectBuilder
, it has the following type:
(=>>) :: ProjectBuilder -> (ProjectBuilder -> Project) -> ProjectBuilder
In order to see what it does, we can apply equational reasoning:
=>> f :: Settings -> Project
builder -- (1) definition of (=>>)
= flip extend builder f
-- (2) applying `flip`
= extend f builder
-- (3) default definition of `extend`
= (fmap f . duplicate) builder
-- (4) applying (.)
= fmap f (duplicate builder)
-- (5) Using `duplicate` definition from Comonad instance for arrow
= fmap f (\m1 m2 -> builder (m1 <> m2))
-- (6) Using `fmap` definition from Functor instance for arrow
= f . (\m1 m2 -> builder (m1 <> m2))
-- (7) eta-expanding outer lambda
= \settings -> (f . (\m1 m2 -> builder (m1 <> m2)) settings
-- (8) applying (.)
= \settings -> f $ (\m1 m2 -> builder (m1 <> m2)) settings
-- (9) partially applying inner lambda
= \settings -> f $ \m2 -> builder (settings <> m2)
But in order to understand, what (=>>)
operator actually does, we need to think over its implementation for some time. What we achieved in the step (9) is the final form of the (=>>)
operator and also the definition of the extend
function from the Comonad
typeclass for arrow (->)
. Let’s first look at one example of the function f
(can be passed as an argument to (=>>)
hasLibraryB :: ProjectBuilder -> Project
= builder $ mempty { settingsHasLibrary = Any True } hasLibraryB builder
builder needs to produce Project
. This function takes an argument of type builder :: Settings -> Project
so the only way to return Project
is to pass some Settings
to builder
. Here we pass Settings
that just enable hasLibrary
flag. But in general case, you can specify the context of arbitrary complexity for such functions so they can use smarter and more sophisticated logic.
By analogy we can create the builder for the GitHub flag:
gitHubB :: ProjectBuilder -> Project
= builder $ mempty { settingsGitHub = Any True } gitHubB builder
And you can see how it works:
> extract $ buildProject "library" =>> hasLibraryB
= "library"
{ projectName = True
, projectHasLibrary = False
, projectGitHub = False
, projectTravis
> extract $ buildProject "lib-git" =>> hasLibraryB =>> gitHubB
= "lib-git"
{ projectName = True
, projectHasLibrary = True
, projectGitHub = False
, projectTravis }
If you apply the equational reasoning technique here as well, you can see how all pieces combine together:
"foo" =>> hasLibraryB :: Settings -> Project
buildProject = \settings -> hasLibraryB $ \settings2 -> buildProject "foo" $ settings <> settings2
= \settings -> (\settings2 -> buildProject "foo" $ settings <> settings2) (mempty { settingsHasLibrary = Any True })
= \settings -> buildProject "foo" $ settings <> mempty { settingsHasLibrary = Any True }
Context-dependent builders
Now comes the fun part. We need to implement a builder for the Travis flag. However, we can’t just do the same job that we did for the other flags. We don’t want to set projectTravis
to True
if GitHub flag is set to False
. So we need to inspect the value of the GitHub flag before setting something to Travis flag. The way to achieve the desired behaviour is the following:
travisB :: ProjectBuilder -> Project
travisB builder let project = extract builder
in project { projectTravis = projectGitHub project }
The key observation here: our initial buildProject
function mappends all passed settings first and only then creates Project
. So we can build the Project
first and later perform post-analysis to decide how to set the flag.
NOTE: here
is set to the value ofprojectGitHub
because it is the same asif projectGitHub then True else False
The neat thing about this approach is that the result doesn’t depend on the order of applied builders. Because of that, we have better composability:
> extract $ buildProject "travis" =>> travisB
= "travis"
{ projectName = False
, projectHasLibrary = False
, projectGitHub = False
, projectTravis
> extract $ buildProject "github-travis" =>> gitHubB =>> travisB
= "github-travis"
{ projectName = False
, projectHasLibrary = True
, projectGitHub = True
, projectTravis
> extract $ buildProject "travis-github" =>> travisB =>> gitHubB
= "travis-github"
{ projectName = False
, projectHasLibrary = True
, projectGitHub = True
, projectTravis }
To make sure that the above works you can apply the equational reasoning technique here as well.
Putting all together we have the following pieces of the Builder pattern implemented in Haskell:
: our configuration which is a Monoid as well.Project
: final result produced by ourBuilder
.type ProjectBuilder = Settings -> Project
: our builder, also a Comonad.extract
: a way to buildProject
: a way to compose different builders.
I hope that this blog post gives you a better understanding of comonads and inspires you to play with them more!
Here is the gist with the complete code:
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